Conference Abstracts and Presentations

Bolded names denote Terhune Lab members


  • Contreras V, Polvadore TA, Yoakum CB, Taylor PM, Holmes MA, Laird MF, Chalk-Wilayto J, Kanno CM, de Oliveira JA, Terhune CE. Ontogenetic variation in palatal shape in tufted and untufted capuchins. Submitted for presentation at the 2025 meetings of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
  • Curran SC, Pobiner B, Gogol S, Croitor R, Dragusin V, Pante M, Popescu A, Robinson C, Werdelin L, Petculescu A, Terhune CE. Taphonomy and paleoecology of the 1.95 Ma site of Grăunceanu, Romania. Submitted for presentation at the 2025 meetings of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
  • Laird MF, Chen NS, Contreras D, Cera MB, van Casteren A, Polvadore TA, Valença T, Dutra Fogaça M, Terhune CE, Holmes MA, Chalk-Wilayto J, Falótico T, Affonço GO. When the project finds you: The role of food mechanics on nut cracking behaviors in Sapajus libidinosus. Submitted for presentation at the 2025 meetings of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
  • Mastroianni CA, Canington SL, Holmes MA, Taylor AB, Terhune CE, Laird MF. Predicting voluntary bite force from craniofacial morphology: a comparative analysis of jaw adductor leverage. Submitted for presentation at the 2025 meetings of the American Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research and the Canadian Association for Dental Research.
  • Polvadore TA, Yoakum CB, Taylor PM, Holmes MA, Laird MF, Chalk-Wilayto J, Kanno MC, de Oliveira JA, Dutra Fogaça M, Ross CF, Taylor AB, Terhune CE. Ontogeny of deep masseter and medial pterygoid muscle architecture in tufted and untufted capuchins. Submitted for presentation at the 2025 meetings of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
  • Stan C, Delezene L, Terhune CE. Levels of craniodental variation in fossil Macaca sylvanus. Submitted for presentation at the 2025 meetings of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
  • Taylor PM, Yoakum CB, Terhune CE. Investigating variation in suprahyoid muscle morphology in primates. Submitted for presentation at the 2025 meetings of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists.
  • Terhune CE, Dragusin V, Pobiner B, Pante M, Hellstrom J, Woodhead J, Croitor R, Dobos A, Gogol S, Ersek V, Petculescu A, Popescu A, Robinson C, Werdelin L, Curran SC. Cut marks dated to 1.95 Ma from Grăunceanu, Romania. Submitted for presentation at the 2025 meetings of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists.


  • Ares O, Yoakum CB, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Taylor AB, Ross CF, Chalk-Wilayto J, Laird MF, Terhune CE, Holmes MA. 2024. Ontogeny of jaw muscle fiber types in tufted and untufted capuchins. Am J Biol Anthropol 183(S77):7.
  • Canington S, Kanno CM, Yoakum CB, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Holmes M, Terhune CE, de Oliveira JA, Chalk-Wilayto J, Laird MF. 2024. Ontogenetic changes in experimental feeding behavior in tufted capuchins. Am J Biol Anthropol 183(S77):27-28.
  • Laird MF, Davidson SK, Polvadore T, Terhune CE, Taylor AB, Ross CF, Iriarte-Diaz J. 2024. Experimental validation of simulated bite force gape tradeoffs in Eulemur and Varecia. Am J Biol Anthropol 183(S77):93-94.
  • Liu BS, Canington SL, Casorso JG, Lopez Navarro R, Cheves Hernandez S, Mah MA, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Holmes MA, Terhune CE, Melin AD, Laird MF, Chalk-Wilayto J. 2024. Age-related feeding behaviors in wild Cebus imitator. Am J Biol Anthropol 183(S77):102-103.
  • Polvadore TA, Yoakum CB, Taylor PM, Holmes MA, Laird MF, Chalk-Wilayto J, Kanno CM, de Oliveira JA, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Ross CF, Taylor AB, Terhune CE. 2024. Ontogeny of masticatory muscle architecture in tufted and untufted capuchins. Am J Biol Anthropol 183(S77):138.
  • Romero AN, Terhune CE. 2024. Antemortem tooth loss and craniofacial fluctuating asymmetry in captive olive baboons (Papio anubis). Am J Biol Anthropol 183(S77):151.
  • Stan C, Terhune CE. 2024. Temporal trends and geographical variation in dentition of Macaca sylvanus. Am J Biol Anthropol 183(S77):174.
  • Taylor PM, Polvadore TA, Yoakum CB, Chalk-Wilayto J, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Holmes M, Laird MF, Terhune CE. 2024. Exploring the relationship between hyoid position and basihyal shape in an ontogenetic sample of tufted capuchins. Am J Biol Anthropol 183(S77):177.


  • Aze JO, Terhune CE, Kirchhoff CA, Cooke SB. The relationship between dental wear and dental topographic measures in platyrrhine primates. Am J Biol Anthropol 180(S75):11.
  • Cooke SB, Palmer S, Cobb S, Sims ZR, Terhune CE, Kirchhoff CE. Dental topographic analysis of platyrrhine molars indicates dietary differentiation occurred during the Middle Miocene. Annual meetings of the American Association of Anatomists, Washington, DC.
  • Cobb S, Terhune CE, Kirchhoff C, Cooke SB. Using topographic measurements to detect sexual and dietary signal in the cercopithecoid honing premolar. Annual meetings of the American Association of Anatomists, Washington, DC.
  • Dragusin V, Curran S, Ersek V, Floriou A, Hanganu D, Hellstrom J, Meckler AN, Petculescu A, Robinson C, Terhune CE, Vasile S, Woodhead J. Pliocene-Pleistocene environments in the Dacian Basin (S. Romania): A stable isotope study of land and freshwater fauna. Accepted for presentation at the 2023 meetings of the International Union for Quaternary Research.
  • Chalk-Wilayto J, Casorso JG, Lopez Navarro R, Cheves Hernandez S, Melin AD, Liu BS, Kim S, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Holmes MA, Terhune CE, Laird MF. Age-related variation in material and geometric properties of fruits in wild white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus). Am J Biol Anthropol 180(S75):29.
  • Holmes MA, Taylor PM, Ramirez R, Solis MP, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Chalk-Wilayto J, Terhune CE, Laird M. The ontogenetic interface of jaw-muscle leverage and cranial morphology in capuchin primates. Accepted for presentation at the 2023 meetings of the International Congress of Vertebrate Morphologists.
  • Laird M, Kanno C, Yoakum C, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Taylor A, Ross CF, Chalk-Wilayto J, Holmes MA, Terhune CE, de Oliveira JA. Ontogenetic changes in bite force and gape in tufted capuchins. Accepted for presentation at the 2023 meetings of the International Congress of Vertebrate Morphologists.
  • Polvadore TAYoakum CB, Taylor PM, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Holmes MA, Laird MF, Chalk-Wilayto J, Terhune CE. Ontogenetic biomechanics of tufted (Sapajus) and untufted (Cebus) capuchin mandibles. Am J Biol Anthropol 180(S75):141.
  • Romero ANTerhune CE. Craniofacial fluctuating asymmetry in the Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques. Am J Biol Anthropol 180(S75):151. [invited symposium] PDF
  • Taylor AB, Terhune CE, Vinyard CJ. Jaws wide open: 50 years of modeling mammalian jaw gapes since Herring and Herring 1974. Accepted for presentation at the 2023 meetings of the International Congress of Vertebrate Morphologists.
  • Taylor PMPolvadore TYoakum CB, Chalk-Wilayto J, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Holmes MA, Laird MF, Terhune CE. Investigating covariation between hyoid shape and wishboning resistance in an ontogenetic sample of tufted and untufted capuchins. Am J Biol Anthropol 180(S75):174. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Croitor R, Curran S, Dragusin V, Petculescu A, Pobiner B, Robinson C, Robu M, Werdelin L. Tales from the Oltet Valley of Romania: Implications for hominin dispersals into Eurasia during the early Pleistocene. Am J Biol Anthropol 180(S75):175. [invited symposium] PDF
  • Terhune CE, Yoakum CB, Laird M, Chalk-Wilayto J, Kanno C, de Olivera JA, Polvadore T, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Ross CF, Taylor A, Holmes M. Ontogeny of masticatory muscle size in tufted and untufted capuchins. Accepted for presentation at the 2023 meetings of the International Congress of Vertebrate Morphologists.
  • Sapata CM, Cooke SB, Terhune CE, Kirchhoff CA. Craniodental lesions in the genus Pan. Am J Biol Anthropol 180(S75):155.
  • Stan C, Dragusin V, Vasile S, Venczel M, Terhune CE. Dental remains of Pliocene-Pleistocene Cercopithecidae from Romania. Am J Biol Anthropol 180(S75):169. PDF
  • Zeman JA, Terhune CE, Cooke SB, Kirchhoff CA. Mountain and lowland gorillas have different rates of craniodental lesions. Am J Biol Anthropol 180(S75):200.


  • Cobb SE, Kirchhoff CA, Terhune CE, Eller A, Cooke SB. Morphology of the cercopithecoid mandibular p3 and its correlation with sex and diet. Am J Biol Anthropol 177(S73):33.
  • Gomez JC, Kirchhoff CA, Cooke SB, Terhune CE. Severity measures of dental lesions. Am J Biol Anthropol 177(S73):71.
  • Halenar-Price LB, Kirchhoff CA, Terhune CE, Cooke SB. Potential association between pterion suture pattern and incidence of craniodental lesions in platyrrhines. Am J Biol Anthropol 177(S73):78.
  • Holmes MA, Taylor PM, Ramirez R, Fogaça MD, Chalk-Wilayto J, Terhune CE, Laird MF. Ontogenetic changes in jaw leverage in tufted and untufted capuchins. Am J Biol Anthropol 177(S73):84.
  • Palmer S, Terhune CE, Kirchhoff CA, Cooke SB. Variation in the platyrrhine pterygoid process using linear and angle measurements. Am J Biol Anthropol 177(S73):141.
  • Romero AN, Mitchell DR, Terhune CE. Cranial fluctuating asymmetry and reproductive fitness in the Cayo Santiago Rhesus macaques. Am J Biol Anthropol 177(S73):154-155. PDF
  • Taylor PM, Chalk-Wilayto J, Fogaça MD, Laird MF, Terhune CE. Interspecific and ontogenetic differences of hyoid body shape in tufted vs. untufted capuchins. Am J Biol Anthropol 177(S73):179. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Taylor PM, Yoakum CB, Chalk-Wilayto J, Fogaça MD, Holmes MA, Laird MF. Permanent and deciduous canine size in tufted vs. untufted capuchins. Am J Biol Anthropol 177(S73):180. PDF
  • Terhune CEMitchell DR, Kirchhoff CE, Cooke SB, O’Connor S. Papio pathologies: linking craniofacial shape, pathologies and trauma, and behavior in Papio anubis. Presentation at the 2022 meetings of the International Congress of Primatologists, Quito, Ecuador (delayed from 2020 because of COVID-19)
  • Yoakum CB, Terhune CE. A survey of the inferior alveolar nerve and its corresponding bony canal and foramina in primates. Am J Biol Anthropol 177(S73):201. PDF


  • Barton A, Knox OC, Romero AN, Terhune CE. Analysis of inter- and intraobserver error when scoring tooth wear in the Cayo Santiago macaques. Poster presented at the 2021 meetings of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists Undergraduate Research Symposium.
  • Curran SC, Terhune CE, Croitor R, Dragusin V, Fox DL, Garrett N, Gaudin T, Ironside LB, Petculescu A, Pobiner B, Robinson C, Robu M, Tantau I, Ungar P, Werdelin L. Paleoecology and biochronology of Early Pleistocene sites in southern Romania. Am J Phys Anthropol 174(S71):23-24.
  • Merwin M, Kirchhoff CA, Mitchell DR, Cooke SB, Terhune CE. Contrasting craniodental lesion rates in platyrrhines. Am J Phys Anthropol 174(S71):70.
  • Mitchell DR, Kirchhoff CA, Cooke SB, Terhune CE. Geometric morphometrics, where only the strong survive: Excluding damages/pathologic specimens may result in sampling biases in shape analyses. Am J Phys Anthropol 174(S71):73.
  • Stein T, Kirchhoff CA, Mitchell DR, Cooke SB, Terhune CE. Cranial suture fusion does not predict presence of craniodental lesions in cercopithecoids. Am J Phys Anthropol 174(S71):100.
  • Yoakum CB, Terhune CE. Investigating the relationship between the mental and mandibular foramina, tooth root surface areas, and diet. Am J Phys Anthropol 174(S71):117-118.


  • Drăgușin V, Petculescu A, Avram A, Curran S, Faur L, Gabor A, Irimia R, Mirea I, Robinson C, Robu M, Şandric I, Soare B, Terhune CE, Woodhead J. Geological and geomorphological investigations in the early Pleistocene paleontological multi-site of Olteţ River Valley, Romania. Accepted for presentation at the 2020 meetings of the European Geosciences Union (Conference cancelled because of COVID-19).
  • Kirchhoff CA, Cooke SB, Mitchell DR, Terhune CE. Variation in craniodental pathologies among cercopithecoid primates. Am J Phys Anthropol 171(S69):143 (Conference cancelled because of COVID-19).
  • Mitchell DR, Kirchhoff CA, Cooke SB, Terhune CE. Chewing through trauma: normal and pathologic shape variation in cercopithecoid skulls. Am J Phys Anthropol 171(S69):189 (Conference cancelled because of COVID-19).
  • Romero ANMitchell DRTerhune CE. Analysis of landmark variation in the study of cranial fluctuating asymmetry. Am J Phys Anthropol 171(S69):238 (Conference cancelled because of COVID-19).
  • Taylor AB, Terhune CE, Teaford MF, Ross CF, Vinyard CJ. Putting it on display: The musculoskeletal consequences of large gapes in male Old World monkeys. Am J Phys Anthropol 171(S69):279-280 (Conference cancelled because of COVID-19).
  • Yoakum CB, Terhune CE. Investigating the relationship between mental foramen number and cross-sectional area. Am J Phys Anthropol 171(S69):314 (Conference cancelled because of COVID-19).


  • Halenar-Price L, Shearer B, Terhune CE, Yoakum CB, Cooke SB. Get an eyeful of this: Gross anatomy and morphometrics of the squirrel monkey (Saimiri) interorbital region. Am J Phys Anthropol 168(S68):95. PDF
  • Kirchhoff CA, Cooke SB, Romero AN, Terhune CE. Covariation among dental wear, craniofacial morphology, and pathologies in Macaca fascicularis. Am J Phys Anthropol 168(S68):126.
  • Romero AN, Kirchhoff CA, Cooke SB, Terhune CE. Examining fluctuating asymmetry in Macaca fascicularis. Am J Phys Anthropol 168(S68):207. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Kirchhoff CA, Cooke SB, Mitchell DR. Masticatory covariation in Macaca fascicularis: integrating dental wear, craniofacial morphology, and pathology. J Morph 280:S288.
  • Tseng, ZJ, Terhune CE. Simulated evolution suggests selection-mediated generation of complex structure-function mapping in the primate cranium. J Morph 280:S526.
  • Yoakum CB, Terhune CE. An assessment of the neurovascular structures of the trigeminal nerve and their relationship to tooth morphology in Rattus, Pithecia pithecia, Saimiri sciureus, and Chiropotes sp. Am J Phys Anthropol 168(S68):277. PDF


  • Cooke SB, Wisniewski A, Terhune CE, Kirchhoff C. 2018. Macaque attack: Dental topography through a wear sequence in Macaca fascicularis. Am J Phys Anthropol 165(S66):53-54. PDF
  • Haake L, Terhune CE. 2018. Use of dermestid beetles in cleaning osteological specimens: best practices. Poster presented at the 2018 meetings of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists Undergraduate Research Symposium. PDF
  • Kirchhoff CA, Cooke SB, Terhune CE. 2018. Macaque attack: The association between dental pathologies and temporomandibular osteoarthritis in Macaca fascicularis. Am J Phys Anthropol 165(S66):140. PDF
  • Moore C, Yoakum CB, Romero AN, Douglas EC, Gallagher KM, Terhune CE. 2018. A biomechanical analysis of cervical spine posture using geometric morphometrics. Abstract submitted for poster presentation at the 2018 meetings of the American Association of Anatomists, San Diego, CA. PDF
  • Romero ANTerhune CE. 2018. A comparison of fluctuating asymmetry models in non-human primate crania. Am J Phys Anthropol 165(S66): 230. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Kirchhoff CA, Cooke SB. 2018. Macaque attack: Variation in craniofacial and TMJ shape in Macaca fascicularis. Am J Phys Anthropol 165(S66):272-273. PDF
  • Yoakum CB, Terhune CE. 2018. A comparison of the cross-sectional area of the primate mandibular canal and associated foramina.Am J Phys Anthropol 165(S66):308. PDF


  • Curran SC, Fox DL, Garrett N, Petculescu A, Robinson C, Robu M, Terhune CE. 2017. Characterizing early Pleistocene paleohabitats in Eastern Europe: Results from four years of research in the Oltet River Valley of Romania. Am J Phys Anthropol S64:156.
  • Ramos PA, Sylvester AD, Taylor AB, Terhune CE. 2017. Trabecular symmetry in the primate temporomandibular joint. Am J Phys Anthropol S64:326. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Sylvester AD, Coiner-Collier S, Scott JE, McAbee KR, Ravosa MJ. 2017. Adaptive plasticity in the masticatory apparatus: inference for form, function, and fossils. Am J Phys Anthropol S64:379. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Curran SC, Fox DL, Garrett N, Petculescu A, Robinson C, Robu M. 2017. Early Pleistocene paleohabitats of Eastern Europe: Evidence from the Olteţ River Valley of Romania. Poster presented at the 2017 European Society of Human Evolution meetings, Leiden, Netherlands. PDF


  • Cumpston STerhune CE. 2016. Revisiting primate masticatory scaling relationships. Poster presented at the 2015 meetings of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists Undergraduate Research Symposium. PDF
  • Curran S, Terhune CE, Sylvester A, Gogol S, Hubbard J. 2016. New ecomorphological proxies for paleohabitat reconstructions: geometric morphometric analyses of cervid joint surface morphology. Abstract submitted for presentation at the 2016 PaleoAnthropology Society meetings, Atlanta, GA.
  • Robinson C, Terhune CE. 2016. Combining data from multiple sources: a cautionary tale. Am J Phys Anthropol S62:270. PDF
  • Sylvester A, Terhune CE, Taylor A. 2016. Trabecular mapping: leveraging sliding landmarks for analyses of bone microstructure. Am J Phys Anthropol S62:309. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Robinson C, Ritzman T. 2016. Sexual dimorphism in the shape of the extant hominid mandibular ramus. Abstract submitted for presentation at the 2016 PaleoAnthropology Society meetings, Atlanta, GA. PDF


  • Bryce A, Sylvester AD, Terhune CE. 2015. User variance in defining the trabecular-cortical interface using microCT images. FASEB 29(1):LB23.
  • Healy CA, Robinson CA, Ritzman TB, Terhune CE. 2015. Evaluating ontogenetic shape variation in the mandibular ramus of Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis. Am J Phys Anthropol 156(S60):162. PDF
  • Iriarte-Diaz J, Terhune CE, Taylor AB, Ross CF. 2015. Functional constraints of primate feeding: modeling the effect of ligaments and TMJ morphology. Am J Phys Anthropol 156(S60):175.
  • Ross CF, Iriarte-Diaz J, Taylor AB, Terhune CE. 2015. Functional significance of the location of the axis of rotation of the mandible. Am J Phys Anthropol 156(S60):271-272.
  • Terhune CE, Ritzman TB, Gunz P, Robinson CA. 2015. A reassessment of the taxonomic validity of the Australopithecus sediba mandibles. Am J Phys Anthropol 156(S60):303.
  • Terhune CE, Curran S, Fox DL, Garrett N, Hubbard J, Petculescu A, Robinson CA, Robu M, Stiuca E, Tantu I. 2015. Paleoenvironmental conditions in early Pleistocene Romania: implications for hominin dispersals. Poster presented at the 2015 Society for Vertebrate Paleontology Meetings, Dallas, TX. PDF


  • Taylor AB, Terhune CE, Hylander WL, Vinyard C. 2014. In vitro sarcomere-length operating range of the masseter and temporalis muscles in Macaca fascicularis. Am J Phys Anthropol 153(S58):252.
  • Terhune CE. 2014. Were Neanderthals biting off more than they could chew? Evidence from the temporomandibular joint of Middle and Late Pleistocene hominins. Paleoanthropology Abstracts: A26. PDF


  • Cooke S, Terhune CE. 2013. Form and function in a sample of platyrrhine primates: a three-dimensional analysis of dental and TMJ morphology. Am J Phys Anthropol 150(S56):101-102. PDF
  • Iriarte-Diaz, Terhune CE, Taylor A, Ross C. 2013. Mandibular helical axis during feeding in non-human primates. Am J Phys Anthropol 150(S56):157.
  • Terhune CE, Melcher B, Taylor A. 2013. Physician assistant anatomy education: does prior anatomy experience predict performance? FASEB 27:956.1 . PDF
  • Terhune CE, Curran S, Petculescu A, Robinson C, Robu M, Stiuca E. 2013. Renewed paleontological investigations in the Olteţ River Valley of Romania and the new paleontological locality of Râpa. Am J Phys Anthropol 150(S56):270. PDF


  • Iriarte-Diaz J, Terhune CE, Ross C. 2012. Mandibular helical axis during feeding in non-human primates. J Int Comp Biol 52(1):e84.
  • Terhune CE, Robinson C, Ritzman T. 2012. Ontogenetic variation in the ascending ramus of great apes and humans. Am J Phys Anthropol  147(S54):284-285.


  • Terhune CE, Hylander W, Vinyard C, Taylor A. 2011. Masseter fiber length and position influence relative maximum jaw gapes in the sexually-dimorphic Macaca fascicularis. Am J Phys Anthropol 144(S52):292. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Iriarte-Diaz J, Taylor A, Ross C. 2011. The mandibular instantaneous center of rotation in non-human primates and its relation to gape. J Int Comp Biol 51(1):e137.


  • Terhune CE. 2010. Dietary correlates of temporomandibular shape. Am J Phys Anthropol 141(S50): 229. PDF


  • Terhune CE, Kimbel WH, Lockwood CA. 2009. An analysis of postnatal temporal bone ontogeny in Pan and Homo, with implications for temporal bone growth and development in Australopithecus afarensis. Paleoanthropology Abstracts: A36.
  • Terhune CE. 2009. Scaling relationships in the anthropoid temporomandibular joint. Am J Phys Anthropol 138(S48): 254. PDF


  • Terhune CE, Smith H, Gilbert C. 2008. Environmental and dietary correlates of papionin temporal bone variation. Am J Phys Anthropol 135(S46): 206. PDF


  • Baker B, Terhune CE, Papalexandrou A. 2007. Sew long: A seamstress buried at Polis, Cyprus. Am J Phys Anthropol 132(S44): 67. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Smith H, Lockwood C. 2007. Genetic, geographic, and environmental correlates of human temporal bone variation. Am J Phys Anthropol 132(S44): 231.


  • Terhune CE, Kimbel W, Lockwood C. 2006. Variation and diversity in Homo erectus: A 3D geometric morphometric analysis of the temporal bone. Am J Phys Anthropol 129(S42): 176.


  • Terhune CE and Deane A. 2005. Shape of the temporal squama in fossil hominins: relationships to cranial shape and a determination of character polarity. Paleoanthropology Abstracts: A48.