Articles and Book Chapters

Bolded names denote current and former Terhune Lab members



  • Curran SC, Dragusin V, Pobiner B, Pante M, Hellstrom J, Woodhead J, Croitor R, Dobos A, Gogol S, Ersek V, Petculescu A, Popescu A, Robinson C, Werdelin L, Terhune CE. 2025. Hominin presence in Eurasia by at least 1.95 Ma. Nature Communications 16, 836.
  • Taylor AB, Holmes M, Laird MF, Terhune CE. 2025. Jaw-muscle structure and function in primates: Insights into feeding-system behavior and performance. Evolutionary Anthropology 34, e22053.


  • Burruss C, Vasavada A, Terhune CE, Gallagher K. 2024. The influence of age, biological sex, anthropometrics, and neck characteristics on external occipital protuberance size. Journal of Orthopaedic Science.
  • Gignac PM, Aceves V, Baker S, Barnes JJ, Bell J, Boyer D, Cunningham C, De Carlo F, Chase MH, Cohen KE, Colbert M, De Cree T, Daza J, Dickinson E, DeLeon V, Dougan L, Duffy F, Dunham C, Early C, Edey D, Echols S, Eckley SA, Fenner K, Franklin KP, Gila B, Goetz FB, Gray JA, Gleiber D, Hall AS, Hanna R, Hannula M, Harris W, Hill JJ, Holliday CM, Hurdle K, Jayarajan A, Knaub JL, Krause AR, Leavey A, Lessner EJ, Lynch LM, Maga M, Maisano J, Marsh K, Marsh M, Martin-Silverstone E, Misiaszek J-P, Neander AI, O’Brien HD, Olson S, Panigot E, Motch Perrine SM, Porri T, Ramsey A, Scheiffele G, Smith HF, Stanley EL, Stock SR, Terhune CE, Thomas DL, Vargas CAL, Veltri M, Warnett JM, Watanabe A, Waters EA, Wende R, Wescott DJ, Withnell CB, Whittaker S, Wilbur ZE, Wilson J, Wilson M, Winchester J, Yoakum CB, Zobek CM. 2024. The role of networks to overcome large-scale challenges in tomography: the Non-Clinical Tomography Users Research Network. Tomography of Materials and Structures 5:100031.
  • Holmes MA, Terhune CE, Chalk-Wilayto, Yoakum CB, Taylor PM, Ramirez R, Solis MP, Polvadore TA, Ross CF, Taylor AB, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Laird MF. 2024. Ontogenetic changes in jaw leverage and skull shape in tufted and untufted capuchins. Journal of Morphology 285: e21705. PDF
  • Kirchhoff C, Cooke SB, Gomez J, Mitchell DR, Stein T, Terhune CE. 2024. Variation in craniodental pathologies among cercopithecoid primates. American Journal of Primatology
  • Laird MF, Polvadore TA, Hirschkorn GA, McKinney JC, Ross CF, Taylor AB, Terhune CE, Iriarte-Diaz J. 2024. Tradeoffs between bite force and gape in Eulemur and Varecia. Journal of Morphology 285: e21699. PDF
  • Polvadore TA, Yoakum CB, Taylor PM, Holmes MA, Laird MF, Chalk-Wilayto J, Kanno CM, de Oliveira JA, Terhune CE. 2024. Ontogenetic biomechanics of tufted (Sapajus) and untufted (Cebus) capuchin mandibles. American Journal of Biological Anthropology.
  • Stan C, Drăguşin V, Vasile S, Venczel M, Terhune CE. Dental remains of Plio-Pleistocene Cercopithecidae (Mammalia: Primates) from Romania. 2024. Journal of Human Evolution 193: 103544. PDF
  • Taylor AB, Ross CF, Terhune CE, Vinyard CJ. 2024. The impact of measurement technique and sampling on estimates of skeletal muscle fiber architecture. The Anatomical Record 307: 3071-3084. PDF
  • Taylor AB, Terhune CE, Ross CF, Vinyard CJ. 2024. Jaw-muscle fiber architecture and skull form facilitate the production of relatively wide jaw gapes in male cercopithecoid monkeys. Journal of Human Evolution 197: 103601.
  • Tseng ZJ, Terhune CE. 2024. Sexual dimorphism and divergent evolutionary pathways in primate cranial biomechanics: Insights from a theoretical morphology framework. Journal of Morphology 285(10): e21780.
  • Yoakum CB, Terhune CE. 2024. The inferior alveolar nerve and its relationship to the mandibular canal. The Anatomical Record 307: 97-117. PDF


  • Croitor R, Robinson C, Curran S, Terhune CE, Dragusin V, Pobiner B, Popescu A, Petculescu A. Early Pleistocene Ruminants (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the Dacian Basin (South Romania) before and after the Pachycrocuta event: implications for hominin dispersals in western Eurasia. Historical Biology: 1-49. PDF
  • Laird MF, Kanno CM, Yoakum CB, Dutra Fogaҫa M, Taylor AB, Ross CF, Chalk-Wilayto J, Holmes MA, Terhune CE, de Oliveira JA. Ontogenetic changes in bite force and gape in tufted capuchins. Journal of Experimental Biology 226 (15): jeb245972. PDF
  • Romero AN, Dickinson E, Turcotte C, Terhune CE. Skeletal age during hurricane impacts fluctuating asymmetry in Cayo Santiago rhesus macaques. Ecology and Evolution 13(8): e10425. PDF
  • Werdelin L, Dragusin V, Robu M, Petculescu A, Popescu A, Curran S, Terhune CE. Carnivora from the early Pleistocene of Grăunceanu (Olteţ River Valley, Dacian Basin, Romania). Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia 129(3): 457-476. PDF


  • Romero ANMitchell DR, Cooke SB, Kirchhoff CA, Terhune CE. Craniofacial fluctuating asymmetry in gorillas, chimpanzees, and macaques. American Journal of Biological Anthropology 177: 286-299. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Mitchell DR, Cooke SB, Kirchhoff CA, Massey J. Temporomandibular joint shape in anthropoid primates varies widely and is patterned by size and phylogeny. The Anatomical Record 305, 2227-2248. PDF


  • Curran S (co-first author), Terhune CE (co-first author), Croitor R, Dragusin V, Fox DL, Garrett N, Ironside LB, Petculescu A, Pobiner B, Robinson C, Robu M, Tanţău I, Ungar P. Multiproxy paleoenvironmental reconstruction of early Pleistocene sites from the Olteţ River Valley of Romania. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 574:110445. PDF
  • Mitchell DR, Kirchhoff CA, Cooke SB, Terhune CE. Bolstering geometric morphometrics sample sizes with damaged and pathologic specimens: is near enough good enough? Journal of Anatomy 238(6):1444-1455. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Gaudin T, Curran S, Petculescu A. The youngest pangolin (Mammalia, Pholidota) from Europe. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2021.1990075. PDF


  • Terhune CE (co-first author), Curran S (co-first author), Croitor R, Dragusin V, Gaudin T, Petculescu A, Robinson C, Robu M, Werdelin L. Early Pleistocene fauna of the Olteţ River Valley of Romania: Biochronological and biogeographic implications. Quaternary International 553: 14-33. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Sylvester AD, Scott JE, Ravosa MJ. Internal architecture of the mandibular condyle of rabbits is related to dietary resistance during growth. Journal of Experimental Biology 2020 223: jeb220988 doi: 10.1242/jeb.220988. PDF


  • Taylor AB, Terhune CE, Vinyard CJ. The influence of masseter and temporalis sarcomere-length operating ranges as determined by laser diffraction on architectural estimates of muscle force and excursion in macaques (Macaca fascicularis and Macaca mulatta). Arch Oral Biol 105:35-45. PDF
  • Weisbecker V, Guillerme T, Speck C, Sherratt E, Abraha HM, Sharp AC, Terhune CE, Collins S, Johnston S, Panagiotopoulou O. Individual variation of the masticatory system dominates 3D skull shape in the herbivory-adapted marsupial wombats. Frontiers in Zoology 16, 41 doi:10.1186/s12983-019-0338-5. PDF
  • Yoakum CB, Romero AN, Moore C, Douglas EC, Gallagher KM, Terhune CE. Sex and height influence neck posture when using electronic handheld devices. Clinical Anatomy 32:1061-1071. PDF


  • Taylor AB, Terhune CE, Toler M, Holmes M, Ross CF, Vinyard CJ. 2018. Jaw-muscle fiber architecture and leverage in the hard-object feeding sooty mangabey are not structured to facilitate relatively large bite forces compared to other papionins. Anat Rec 301:325-344. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Ritzman TB, Robinson CA. 2018. Mandibular ramus shape variation and ontogeny in Homo sapiens and Homo neanderthalensis. J Hum Evol 121:55-71. PDF


  • Iriarte-Diaz J, Terhune CE, Taylor AB, Ross CF. 2018. Position of the finite helical axis of the mandible during chewing in non-human primates. Zoology 124:106-118. PDF
  • Robinson CA, Terhune CE. 2017. Error in geometric morphometric data collection: combining data from multiple sources. Am J Phys Anthropol 164:62-75. PDF
  • Romero AN, Herlin M, Finnila M, Korkalainen M, Hakansson H, Viluksela M, Sholts SB. 2017. Skeletal and dental effects on rats following in utero/lactational exposure to the non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl PCB 180. PLoS ONE 12(9): e0185241. PDF  
  • Stankowich T, Romero AN. 2017. The correlated evolution of antipredator defences and brain size in mammals. Proc Roy Soc B 284:20161857. PDF
  • Sylvester AD, Terhune CE. 2017. Trabecular mapping: Leveraging geometric morphometrics for analyses of trabecular structure. Am J Phys Anthropol 163:553-569. PDF
  • Terhune CE. 2018. Revisiting size and scaling in the anthropoid temporomandibular joint. Zoology 124:73-94. PDF


  • Ritzman TB, Terhune CE, Gunz P, Robinson CA. 2016. Mandibular ramus shape of Australopithecus sediba suggests a single variable species. J Hum Evol 100:54-64. PDF


  • Cooke S, Terhune CE. 2015. Form, function, and geometric morphometrics. Anat Rec 298:5-28. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Hylander WL, Vinyard CJ, Taylor AB. 2015. Jaw-muscle architecture and mandibular morphology influence relative maximum jaw gapes in the sexually dimorphic Macaca fascicularis. J Hum Evol 82:145-158. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Cooke S, Otárola-Castillo E. 2015. Form and function in the platyrrhine skull: a three-dimensional analysis of dental and TMJ morphology. Anat Rec 298:29-47. PDF


  • Terhune CE, Robinson CA, Ritzman TB. 2014. Ontogenetic variation in the mandibular ramus of great apes and humans. J Morph 275:661-677. PDF


  • Smith H, Ritzman T, Otárola-Castillo E, Terhune CE. 2013. A 3-D geometric morphometric study of intraspecific variation in the ontogeny of the temporal bone in modern Homo sapiens. J Hum Evol 65:479-489. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Kimbel W, Lockwood C. 2013. Postnatal temporal bone ontogeny in Pan, Gorilla, and Homo, and the implications for temporal bone growth in Australopithecus afarensis. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:630-642. PDF
  • Terhune CE. 2013b.How effective are geometric morphometric techniques for assessing functional shape variation? An example from the great ape temporomandibular joint. Anat Rec 296: 1264-1282. PDF
  • Terhune CE. 2013a. Dietary correlates of temporomandibular joint morphology in the great apes. Am J Phys Anthropol 150:260-272. PDF


  • Baker B, Terhune CE, Papalexandrou A. 2012. Sew Long? The Osteobiography of a Woman from Medieval Polis, Cyprus. In The Bioarchaeology of Individuals, AL Stodder and AM Palkovich, eds. Gainsville: University Press of Florida. pp 151-161.


  • Terhune CE. 2011b. Dietary correlates of temporomandibular joint morphology in New World primates. J Hum Evol 61:583-596. PDF
  • Terhune CE. 2011a. Modeling the biomechanics of articular eminence function in anthropoid primates. J Anat 219:551-564. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Iriarte-Diaz J, Taylor A, Ross CF. 2011. The instantaneous center of rotation of the mandible in non-human primates. J Int and Comp Biol 51:320-332. PDF


  • Terhune CE, Deane A. 2008. Temporal squama shape in fossil hominins: relationships to cranial shape and a determination of character polarity. Am J Phys Anthropol 137: 397-411. PDF


  • Smith H (co-first author), Terhune CE (co-first author), Lockwood C. 2007. Genetic, geographic, and environmental correlates of human temporal bone variation. Am J Phys Anthropol 134: 312-322. PDF
  • Terhune CE, Kimbel W, Lockwood C. 2007. Variation and diversity in Homo erectus: A 3D geometric morphometric analysis of the temporal bone. J Hum Evol 53: 41-60. PDF